Wednesday 8 June 2016



If you like Boston Cream Pie, you’ll flip over these yummy Boston Cream Cupcakes! Tender, moist, and filled with golden custard.

While standing idly in long checkout lines of grocery stores, I’m usually torn between thumbing through either the Food Network glossy or People mag. Decisions, decisions.

Yet. The other day, a kiosk of die cast cars near the checkout lanes instantly nabbed my attention. I gazed long at the 5-inch metal fire engines and yellow school busses.

I’m not normally mushy over die cast cars; I fully prefer chocolate cookies over toy wheels 😉

But I got silly nostalgic over all those tiny trucks, because our home overflowed with loads of them not too long ago.

At certain points in our Littles’ toddler years, there was standing room only in the family room. Their colorful Hot Wheels were regularly strewn across the floor, courtesy of imaginary car crashes.

Never thought I’d one day miss the bright green, paint-chipped Hot Wheel pickup truck that a certain pair of chubby little hands clung to everywhere he wobbled.

And now he’s 12.

As in, Twelve.

On his 12th birthday this month, our not-so-little Little knew exactly what kind of cake he wanted to blow candles off of.

Boston Cream Pie. Which isn’t really a pie at all, but who cares about such trivial matters when it tastes that dreamy.

I happily obliged that request, and made these cute individual sized Boston Cream Cupcakes for the birthday boy, candles and all.

These Boston Cream Cupcakes are ridiculously irresistible, guaranteed. The cake portion is golden, buttery, and tenderly moist.

The topping is none other than a beautifully rich chocolate ganache, drizzled as generously as you wish. It sets upon cooling, transforming into a rich, fudgy layer on top.

One bite and you’ll sink your teeth into the magnificent golden custard within.

Like so ↓↓↓

Not only did Birthday Boy inhale these cupcakes in a heartbeat, but apparently nobody else could keep their hands off these baby cakes either. The entire batch of cupcakes vanished by the next morning.

Hot Wheels may come and go, but these cupcakes are for keeps.


For More Read: Chew Out Loud

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